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How Political Polarization Narrows Views on Individual Rights and Harms All Americans

The late comedian, George Carlin, famously said, "Rights aren't rights if someone can take them away. They're privileges."

In today’s increasingly polarized political climate, we’re witnessing continued erosion of fundamental rights that have long been the bedrock of American freedom. As ideologies clash, we’re seeing a growing trend of laws that aim to solve perceived issues related to public safety, national security, and threats to American identity through restrictive laws that encroach upon personal liberties.

Laws that Attack the First Amendment

One prominent example of this is Florida's S.B. 184, a law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis that places a 25-foot buffer zone around law enforcement officers during interactions with the public. While framed as a measure to prevent harassment, the law ultimately weakens First Amendment rights by limiting the public's ability to record or observe police officers in action. This type of legislation is particularly alarming because it sets a dangerous precedent that could inspire other states to adopt similar laws, chipping away at our rights to hold public servants accountable.

Laws that promote Lawful Theft of Personal Property

Another alarming trend is the expansion of civil asset forfeiture laws. These laws, once focused on large-scale criminal operations, have evolved into a tool that allows law enforcement to seize private assets without requiring a criminal conviction or even an arrest. Under these laws, an individual’s property can be taken simply based on suspicion, stripping them of their right to due process. The broader impact of these policies affects ordinary Americans, whose assets may be seized without clear justification, all in the name of “protecting the public” or “fighting crime.”

Laws that Coerce Self-incrimination 

Lastly, coercive laws—such as state laws that mandate citizens assist law enforcement in investigations—further intrude upon individual autonomy. For example, some states impose fines or penalties on individuals who refuse to submit to field sobriety tests or breathalyzer exams. These laws essentially strip away personal choice, compelling individuals to act against their own interests under the threat of punishment, a clear violation of personal freedom and privacy.

Trends Towards Control over Freedom, and Security over Liberty

These examples highlight a troubling trend: laws designed to protect public safety or ideological objectives often do so at the expense of personal freedoms. They are crafted in narrow interpretations of what is “best” for society, but in doing so, they undermine the rights of all Americans. This is where polarization leads us: a growing number of policies that prioritize control over freedom and security over liberty.

Who Cares What the Founders Intended?

We are taught that the founders believed natural rights are inalienable, not luxuries or privileges. However, those in power who support laws and policies designed to grant greater authority to the government and political parties often disregard the founders' intent. Instead, they focus on advancing narrow-minded agendas that serve only to empower and enrich their own interests. Don’t fall for it. We must push back against these infringements—not as political operatives, but as defenders of freedom for all Americans.

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